Soal PTS B.Inggris Kelas 5 Revisi Terbaru 2021 Semester 1
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Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Revisi Terbaru 2021
I. Answer the following questionscorrectly!
1. “ Bone“ in Indonesian language is…
A. Gerak
B. Organ
C. Bahu
D. Tulang
2. Butterfly food is…
A. Nectar
B. Feet
C. Wing
D. Fin
3. Animals that have the same motion organs are…
A. Fish and Goat
B. Cow and Goat
C. Snack and bird
D. Butterly and fish
4. Look at the picture below!
The picture above is ...
A. Suramadu bridge
B. Ampera bridge
C. Barito bridge
D. Pasupati bridge
5. The Apung river is located on the … island
A. Kalimantan
B. Papua
C. Java
D. Sumatera
6. Jayawijayamountain is located in…
A. Kalimantan
B. Papua
C. Java
D. Sumatera
7. The pictures of objects has made by human is …
8. Rabbit motion equipment is…
A. Hand
B. Leg
C. Stomach
D. Wing
9. Asian type region of The Distribution of fauna in Indonesia is…
A. Sulawesi
B. Maluku
C. Papua
D. Sumatera
10. Transition type region of The Distribution of fauna in Indonesia is…
A. Sulawesi
B. Bali
C. Papua
D. Sumatera
11. Australian type region of The Distribution of fauna in Indonesia is…
A. Sulawesi
B. Bali
C. Papua
D. Sumatera
12. Cycling is a fun and ..... activity
A. Ugly
B. Poor
C. Bad.
D. Healthy
13. “ Respiratory “ in english language is …
A. Penciuman
B. Pernapasan
C. Pertumbuhan
D. Pergelangan
14. Skin is ....respiratory.
A. Worm’s
B. Snail’s
C. Bee’s
D. Elephant’s
15. snail’s respiratory.
A. Skin
B. Lung
C. Trachea
D. Gill
16. Example of reducing pollution except…
A. Littering
B. Plant trees
C. Throw garbage at his place
D. Diligent cleaning the environment
17. The land mamal is …
A. Goat
B. Whale
C. Dolpins
D. Crocodile
18. Bee breathes with …
A. Lung
B. Skin
C. Trachea
D. Gill
19. “ Lung “ in Indonesian language is …
A. Jantung
B. Hati
C. Paru- paru
D. Usus
20. Blockage of the respiratory system caused by dust allergies, feathers or weather changesis ..
A. Asthma
B. Influenza
C. Cancer
D. Tuberculosis
21. Look at the picture below!
What is the activity in the picture?
A. Mutual cooperation
B. Studying together
C. Playing
D. Colaboration
22. Asthma symptom is …
A. Hard to breathe
B. Sweat
C. Influenza
D. Nosebleed
23. “ Kabut ” in English language is…
A. Danger
B. Haze
C. Avoid
D. Rest
24. “ Throat ” in Indonesian language is…
A. Pernapasan
B. Tenggorokan
C. Leher
D. Bahu
25. “ Demage ” in Indonesian language is…
A. Kerusakan
B. Kebaikan
C. Keburukan
D. Keindahan
26. “ Dirty” in Indonesian language is…
A. Buruk
B. Bersih
C. Baik
D. Kotor
27. Healthy food is…
A. Steak
B. Noodle
C. Vegetable
D. Donut
28. Look at the picture below!
What is the name of vegetable in the picture?
A. Spinach
B. Kale
C. Carrot
D. Tomato
29. Look at the picture below!
Digestive system in the picture ….
A. Mouth
B. Esophagus
C. Stomach
D. Anus
30. “ Disease” in Indonesian language is ...
A. Penyakit
B. Buah
C. Pencernaan
D. Anus
31. “ Digestion” in Indonesian language is ...
A. Penyakit
B. Buah
C. Pencernaan
D. Gigi
32. “ Teeth” in Indonesian language is ...
A. Penyakit
B. Buah
C. Pencernaan
D. Gigi
33. He .....two books every week.
A. Read
B. Reads
C. Buy
D. Borrow
34. We .....two books in the market.
A. Read
B. Reads
C. Buy
D. Sells
35. My cat play after eating.
A. Play
B. Likes
C. Sleeps
D. Runs
II. Answer the following questions correctly !
1. Jayawijayamountain is located in…
2. The biggest island in Indonesia is…
3. The Apung river is located on the … island
4. Me – healthy –– the– air – clean - makes
5. is – cause – The – smoking – of – cancer
6. ‘ Medicine” in Indonesian language is ...
7. Look at the picture below!
The picture above is……
8. Fruit that have lots of water is……
9. “Disease” in Indonesian language is ...
10. Banana good for ……….in the stomach.
Answer Key
I. Multiple Choice
1. D 11. C 21 A 31 C
2. A 12. D 22 A 32 D
3. B 13. B 23 B 33 B
4. A 14. A 24 A 34 C
5. A 15. B 25 A 35 B
6. B 16. A 26 D
7. C 17. A 27 C
8. B 18. C 28 C
9. D 19. C 29 A
10. A 20. C 30 A
II. Isian
1. Papua
2. Papua
3. Kalimantan
4. Obat
5. The clean air makes me healthy.
6. The cause of cancer is smoking
7. Strawberry
8. Watermelon
9. Penyakit
10. Digestion
1. “ Bone“ in Indonesian language is…
A. Gerak
B. Organ
C. Bahu
D. Tulang
2. Butterfly food is…
A. Nectar
B. Feet
C. Wing
D. Fin
3. Animals that have the same motion organs are…
A. Fish and Goat
B. Cow and Goat
C. Snack and bird
D. Butterly and fish
4. Look at the picture below!
The picture above is ...
A. Suramadu bridge
B. Ampera bridge
C. Barito bridge
D. Pasupati bridge
5. The Apung river is located on the … island
A. Kalimantan
B. Papua
C. Java
D. Sumatera
6. Jayawijayamountain is located in…
A. Kalimantan
B. Papua
C. Java
D. Sumatera
7. The pictures of objects has made by human is …
8. Rabbit motion equipment is…
A. Hand
B. Leg
C. Stomach
D. Wing
9. Asian type region of The Distribution of fauna in Indonesia is…
A. Sulawesi
B. Maluku
C. Papua
D. Sumatera
10. Transition type region of The Distribution of fauna in Indonesia is…
A. Sulawesi
B. Bali
C. Papua
D. Sumatera
11. Australian type region of The Distribution of fauna in Indonesia is…
A. Sulawesi
B. Bali
C. Papua
D. Sumatera
12. Cycling is a fun and ..... activity
A. Ugly
B. Poor
C. Bad.
D. Healthy
13. “ Respiratory “ in english language is …
A. Penciuman
B. Pernapasan
C. Pertumbuhan
D. Pergelangan
14. Skin is ....respiratory.
A. Worm’s
B. Snail’s
C. Bee’s
D. Elephant’s
15. snail’s respiratory.
A. Skin
B. Lung
C. Trachea
D. Gill
16. Example of reducing pollution except…
A. Littering
B. Plant trees
C. Throw garbage at his place
D. Diligent cleaning the environment
17. The land mamal is …
A. Goat
B. Whale
C. Dolpins
D. Crocodile
18. Bee breathes with …
A. Lung
B. Skin
C. Trachea
D. Gill
19. “ Lung “ in Indonesian language is …
A. Jantung
B. Hati
C. Paru- paru
D. Usus
20. Blockage of the respiratory system caused by dust allergies, feathers or weather changesis ..
A. Asthma
B. Influenza
C. Cancer
D. Tuberculosis
21. Look at the picture below!
What is the activity in the picture?
A. Mutual cooperation
B. Studying together
C. Playing
D. Colaboration
22. Asthma symptom is …
A. Hard to breathe
B. Sweat
C. Influenza
D. Nosebleed
23. “ Kabut ” in English language is…
A. Danger
B. Haze
C. Avoid
D. Rest
24. “ Throat ” in Indonesian language is…
A. Pernapasan
B. Tenggorokan
C. Leher
D. Bahu
25. “ Demage ” in Indonesian language is…
A. Kerusakan
B. Kebaikan
C. Keburukan
D. Keindahan
26. “ Dirty” in Indonesian language is…
A. Buruk
B. Bersih
C. Baik
D. Kotor
27. Healthy food is…
A. Steak
B. Noodle
C. Vegetable
D. Donut
28. Look at the picture below!
What is the name of vegetable in the picture?
A. Spinach
B. Kale
C. Carrot
D. Tomato
29. Look at the picture below!
Digestive system in the picture ….
A. Mouth
B. Esophagus
C. Stomach
D. Anus
30. “ Disease” in Indonesian language is ...
A. Penyakit
B. Buah
C. Pencernaan
D. Anus
31. “ Digestion” in Indonesian language is ...
A. Penyakit
B. Buah
C. Pencernaan
D. Gigi
32. “ Teeth” in Indonesian language is ...
A. Penyakit
B. Buah
C. Pencernaan
D. Gigi
33. He .....two books every week.
A. Read
B. Reads
C. Buy
D. Borrow
34. We .....two books in the market.
A. Read
B. Reads
C. Buy
D. Sells
35. My cat play after eating.
A. Play
B. Likes
C. Sleeps
D. Runs
II. Answer the following questions correctly !
1. Jayawijayamountain is located in…
2. The biggest island in Indonesia is…
3. The Apung river is located on the … island
4. Me – healthy –– the– air – clean - makes
5. is – cause – The – smoking – of – cancer
6. ‘ Medicine” in Indonesian language is ...
7. Look at the picture below!
The picture above is……
8. Fruit that have lots of water is……
9. “Disease” in Indonesian language is ...
10. Banana good for ……….in the stomach.
Answer Key
I. Multiple Choice
1. D 11. C 21 A 31 C
2. A 12. D 22 A 32 D
3. B 13. B 23 B 33 B
4. A 14. A 24 A 34 C
5. A 15. B 25 A 35 B
6. B 16. A 26 D
7. C 17. A 27 C
8. B 18. C 28 C
9. D 19. C 29 A
10. A 20. C 30 A
II. Isian
1. Papua
2. Papua
3. Kalimantan
4. Obat
5. The clean air makes me healthy.
6. The cause of cancer is smoking
7. Strawberry
8. Watermelon
9. Penyakit
10. Digestion
Soal Kelas V yang Admin bagikan pada kesempatan artikel ini merupakan soal K13 revisi terbaru, meskipun demikian sebelum Bapak dan Ibu menggunakannya untuk kegiatan PTS harap untuk di review terlebih dahulu di takutakan soal Bahasa inggris yang di bagikan tidak sesuai dengan pembelajaran yang telah Anda laksanakan.
Bagi Bapak dan Ibu yang membutuhkan Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Revisi Terbaru 2021 dalam bentuk pdf atau doc Anda dapat mendownload pada link ini DOWNLOAD SOAL
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